My first week in FIFTH GRADE is in the books!!
My kids are fabulous! I never thought I would love another grade level like I loved second grade, but my class this year has proved me wrong! I am soooo happy with the kids I have in my class and am really excited to teach fifth grade. The kids are excited and interactive, have their own fun personalities, AND they love everything we do in class. EEEK!! Best part of teaching in the deep south (because Virginia is in the south-some friends don't realize that but it is) is that my kids answer everything with "Yes m'am" or "No m'am"!! AHHH it is awesome and SOOOO polite!!! Even better part of my awesome kids is that they LOVE, and I mean ABSOLUTELY LOVE when I read to them!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! WHO KNEW FIFTH GRADERS WOULD LOVE IT WHEN YOU READ TO THEM!!!!! This makes me so happy because right now we are reading picture books (Lily's Purple Plastic Purse, Officer Buckle and Gloria, If Everybody Did, Leo the Late Bloomer, Enemy Pie, and The Attack of the Veggie Monster) all of which are "little kid" books, but they teach great lessons about rules and citizenship. Next week we are going to be reading books that are for setting up our reading block and I am also going to to share my FAVORITE fifth grade chapter book (it was the book that turned me on to reading when I was in fifth grade) Travel Far Pay No Fare. I am hoping it gets my kids excited about reading like it did for me.
Since it was our first week of school I didn't get to finish my BTS2014 blog hoppin' but I will post my organizational tips and helpfuls, lesson plan templates, and my favorite things to teach as I get better at balancing teaching and bloggin! :)
Thanks to my awesome followers and readers!