Things have gotten away from me I was doing so well that last week of posting and then fell off the wagon! So here is the belated January Wrap up!
Florida's Literacy Week...we saw day 1, 2, 3...
Day 4: Snuggle up with a Good book (wear your slippers, bring blankets and stuffed animals to school)
My kids loved this day even though we didn't get to wear our Pjs they seemed content with slippers and stuffed animals. For our 30 minutes of independent reading time they were able to snuggle up and read and boy was my room quiet! It was so precious to see them all snuggly and reading.
I love that this kiddo is using Mr. Bear for extra cuddles! He loves to read too!

Day 5: Reading Makes you classy! (Wear your class shirt) This was an unofficial day, fifth grade wanted to wear our class shirts so I added this to the week for my kids. We also had our guest speaker come from the Pensacola Light House and told us all kinds of cool facts about the lighthouse, it's history and read us a story about a similar light house from Maine called Abbie Against the Storm. It was a great Nonfiction book that made relating to our lighthouse great for the kids! Check this book out but keep in mind it is probably for older kids grades 3-5.
The Pensacola Lighthouse sits on Naval Air Station Pensacola and is open to visitors year round. I has 177 steps to climb to the top! It is also pretty close to our school! You can see it from Pensacola Beach as well. :)

While we were wrapping up Literacy Week we were also wrapping up our unit on Space and the Planets. I created a sort (quickly) and had the kids sort the planets by size and then match the numeric sizes to the correct planet. Super easy but more fun than me just giving them the numbers. They worked in groups and some had it perfect on the first go. I love doing sorts like this because it lets the kids do the exploring on their own rather than having me drive all the exploring. It also helps them work as a team which some of them have trouble doing. haha
Forgot to add this awesome board to my 100 Days Celebration! Fifth grade decided to create this board with 100 things we learned in Science. Each class got a different colored sticky note and the kids wrote what stuck out to them. Lots of kids and teachers admired our board because it is right after the office!

Some Groundhog Day Writing. Which animal from Florida should predict the weather and why? How will it predict the weather. These were some of the best writing pieces. I loved the different things they came up with! We also had a cute window display that I swore I took pictures of but don't seem to have the pictures so I will have to get those this week and post about them!
Happy Teaching Everyone! Thanks for stopping by!