Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rocks Rock!

As my first year in Fifth grade it is also the first year I was giving the opportunity to teach rocks and the rock cycle! EEEEK!
I was stoked about this opportunity because my mom used to work in a Copper Mine and we had all these samples of rocks and I always found so cool. Not to mention living in various places and seeing all kinds of rocks which were so cool. 

Having never taught Rocks or the Rock Cycle, I didn't have a lot of resources or even know where to start. Thanks to TPT I found TONS of awesome resources! I would like to shout out to Melissa Mazur and her awesome Rocks and Minerals pack that I used in my classroom. This pack comes with so many awesome activities and resources! I used the reading passages, the task cards and the word wall cards. Next year I will use more of the experiments and hands on activities because they are so awesome.

I used the word wall cards as a matching game. I cut the definitions apart from the picture and term. They have really great pictures to match the vocabulary terms and definitions. My kids matched them all first and then played memory with the cards. They loved it and I felt like it really helped the terms and definitions stick with them.


The task cards we used as they are intended. The kids worked as a group to answer the various questions. They love working on task cards it gives them a chance to move and talk while answering content related questions.

We have these great reading books that come with our Science textbook. Using these books the kids read to answer questions about the Rock Cycle. It is great to have these resources because they can be used in a small guided reading groups, read to a buddy center or just plain old reading non-fiction choices for the kids.

Sometimes I draw pictures and just love how I drew them! These are two examples of our Rock Cycle and Rock Formation pictures we drew for our Science Notebook.
Happy Teachin' 


  1. Thank you so much for blogging about this. I really love seeing my resources being used in classrooms. Your idea to cut out the definition on the posters and use it as a matching activity is AMAZING! Do you mind if I share the photos and posts on my Facebook page to give my followers this idea? :)

    1. Absolutely please share! I would love to follow you on FB! if you could follow me on FB as well. Thank you again for the awesome resources and for wanting to share my post!
