So while on Moon Phases I decided to do the Oreo Moon phases activity. I learned about this in college and our 3rd graders did it at my old school. My kids hadn't done it yet so it was even better for me!

Another trick I discovered during my planning of these lessons was the difference of Waning and Waxing. Waxing means the light is growing and each phases should be growing with light to then get to Full Moon or full light, after full moon the light then wanes or decreases until it comes back to New Moon. I loved this idea having never had to learn the moon phases (that I can remember anyway) it totally helped me remember the phases. My kids even started saying "Wax on" more light..."Wax off" less light. Bahahahaha close but not quite! Still funny though.

Enjoy checking out our pictures of the this awesome activity. Of course after I checked off their phases they got to eat their cookies. I didn't make them glue the cookies down or anything but you can!
I know that feeling of worrying that 3rd and 4th aren't doing as much as they could be in Science. I can honestly say that really does happen. How do I know? I've taught 3rd and 4th grade and then looped up with that class into 5th grade. This year was a tough one getting ready for 5th grade FCAT Science because we just didn't know what to expect with ELA and Math. I really wish they would ditch the writing portion for us. I don't mind three tests, but four was just way too many this year! Luckily we did pretty good on Science! Thankfully!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
Testing this year was crazy!! This was my first year in a testing year so that was already a hurdle and then I felt like every month was something new about FSA. I am moving to 3rd grade at a new school this year so not as many tests for me and luckily I know what is expected by 5th grade!